The aim of the project, J.O.Y., is to reduce the early school dropout, by using some modern teaching strategies, so as all the students to be able to access education, including those with learning difficulties, in order to be included in the European labor market.

The idea of this project, J.O.Y., came from  the statistic data furnished by CE, where we have learned that the rate of early school breakdown in UE is slowly increasing. Almost 11% considering young people (aged 18-24) in the EU were early school and education leavers in 2015, in other words having completed only a lower secondary education and not being in further education or training in the last four weeks preceding the survey.

The project J.O.Y. represents a partnership among 4 European educational institutions, which are situated in countries placed at different socio-economic development levels: Romania, Italy, Estonia and Croatia. There are about 2500 pupils studying in these schools, aged between 6-18 years old, including a primary, secondary, vocational and special education system.   

The aims of the partnership:

-to reduce the level of early school leaving with 0,5% during the school years 2017-2019, by developing social, civic, intercultural, media literacy and critical thinking competences, all these by using the active methods of learning and teaching, based on TIC.

-to increase the motivation for learning by creating a positive learning climate; by stating the objectives of learning; by organizing the teaching-learning resources; by realizing a balance between the intellectual and emotional learning components, so as to reduce the risk of early school leaving. 

- to improve the access to education system, all pupils' participation and the learning performances, especially of those children, coming from disadvantaged groups ( with learning and studying difficulties) through enhancing pupils’ motivation for foreign language learning; encourage ICT techniques and practices, studying exchanges, good practice examples among the schools participating in the partnership.

- To encourage educational exchanges in order to increase the quality of education inside and outside partner schools by promoting performances, innovation and a European dimension in the educational system and practice;

The partners involved in this project are different types of schools: the school in Romania, for example, is a public primary and secondary school. The schools in Italy and Croatia are vocational schools, the first of them having 6 specializations in different fields, while the second of them has specializations only in the field of public services.  The school in Estonia is a school for the pupils having learning and studying difficulties. We consider this a relevant particularity which is going to facilitate: 

-personal experience exchange concerning the educational route followed by students so as they could be later integrated on the European labour market. 

-educational practices exchange about how to approach the curriculum so as to enhance the motivation for learning.

-the teaching-learning methods, in case of children with different learning difficulties, in order to ease their access to the further stages of education, and finally on the labour market. 

-the promoting of diversity and social inclusion through the participation of students to specific European activities.

-the increasing of motivation for learning foreign languages, so as they can actively and successfully participate to the activities of the project and lately to the professional life of the European labour market.

-the pupils involved in the activities of the project will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the lifestyle of other pupils of their age, from other European schools.

-by including the pupils with  SEN in the activities of the project, there will be promoted the social inclusion, the diversity and the tolerance.

-each partner has already developed local/ regional projects concerning the pupils in a situation of risk, but their participation into a European project will enhance their experience, will furnish them new instruments to approach the situations these pupils face daily.

-The Interactive Map, as an outcome of the project, will relate to the participants fascinating stories about their authors, about their way of living, what they have already known and what they have just learned about each other, and especially what was important for them to find out. Another role of the Maps is to claim, persuade, influence and advertise. Thus we can start using interactive maps in the classroom daily activities, by helping our students to discover some of these possibilities for themselves.

eGuide Platform will include learning-teaching of some interactive subjects, such as: Math, Geography, History, Arts. It will function as an online classroom where instructors can carry out learning activities.

New way to learn ERASMUS+ Joy

Short-term joint staff training events  18/24 Marzo 2018

1. Teams presentation

2.Presentation of volunteering project in partner schools, using Prezzi

3.Evaluation tools in European lessons on Geography, Hystory, Literature, Music, Arts,conducted by host school

4.Practice activities - old art technique

5.Comparative studies -evaluation system

6.Visit a local factory

7.IT workshop- using QuarkXPress, third part of Guidbook

8.Meeting the Mayor

9.Documentary trip

10.'Our mascot tell as...'- animated stories about project experiences

12.Erasmus Gala

13.Meeting evaluation

Participants: 2 teachers from each school (coordinator- obligatory), teachers interested in methods and tools effective approach to the school environment in order to increase the quality of education, improve school performance, increased frequency, reducing the risk of early school leaving, for students in need, level of communication in English-medium


2 teachers partecipate from each partner school, the presence of the coordinator of the project being compulsory to each meeting. The host school  organize all the activities of the meeting, We spoke about :Educational system in partner schools; activities developed so far in partner schools in order to enhance the interest and motivation for learning; evaluation of the school results; social inclusion, workshop (active learning-teaching methods, integration of the project products in the lessons, increasing the motivation for learning, activities with pupils with special learning needs), meetings and debates with the representatives of the local community on the theme of early school leaving and social integration. 


Participants: 5 students/partner school, 12-18 years, min. first level of speaking English.

1.Teams presentation

2.Presentation of each schools/partners countries made by students, using PPT

 3.European lessons on Geography, Hystory, Literature, Music, Arts conducted by host school.

4.Practice activities-ecological activities

5.Comparative study-climate change

5.Visit a local factory

6. IT workshop -debate (security in the virtual environment), using Scribus, first chapter of eGuidebook

7.Exhibition-posters about parners countries, choosing project mascot

8.Meeting the Mayor

9.Logo contest

10.Erasmus Gala

12. Evaluation