Effective use of mobile @




Il progetto è stato avviato per rispondere alle esigenze dei nostri studenti per acquisire e migliorare il loro know-how in termini di applicazioni mobili, un'abilità che utilizzeranno anche dopo gli anni scolastici, Gli studenti  devono superare e comprendere la barriera tra il consumo passivo di applicazioni mobili e l'utilizzo attivo del cellulare strumenti di lavoro utili per lo sviluppo personale nel mondo lavorativo





The project was initiated to respond to the needs of our students to acquire and improve their know-how in terms of

developing mobile applications, a skill which they will use even after the school years, no matter what careers they may choose to

follow. We want to make students break the barrier between passive consumption of mobile apps to the active usage of mobile

development tools.


The project addressed the age group of 15-18 year olds in our schools (400 students), who are old enough to process this type and

amount of information and to use it creatively in order to develop apps. The students come from a variety of cultural backgrounds

and a significant percentage of them are faced with and strive to overcome all kinds of obstacles - economic, cultural, financial etc.

The participants will be chosen from this target group based on their digital skills, language skills, school results. Additional support

will be given to students facing any of the above mentioned obstacles. There will be 68 students who attend the LTTAs - 14 per

country, in the four meetings planned, with an additional number of 20-24 students from the host institution for whom a grant is not

given but who will attend the activities.

The project also addresses teachers of IT who will thus improve their material base and ensure the sustainability of the project

results. The teachers who attend meetings are IT and English. Each meeting includes the participation of 8 teachers, so a number of

32 teacher mobilities are involved.


The aim of the project is to provide the necessary framework for teachers and students to work together, share ideas

and good practices and learn how to develop mobile applications. By providing this framework, we intend to achieve a number of

topic-related objectives as well as objectives related to the intercultural dialogue that the project presupposes:

O1: at least 70 percent of the students in the target group will become familiar with the requirements of mobile app development

O2: at least 50 percent of students will contribute to the creation of new mobile apps actively

O3: at least 90 percent of students participating in transnational meetings will improve digital skills

O4: at least 80 percent of participants will improve knowledge of foreign cultures

O5: at least 70 percent of participants will improve communication skills in English and other languages of the partners

O6: all participants will develop tolerance, nutual respect and intercultural understanding

O7: all project team members and students will improve organisational, team work and data manipulation skills.


C1 - Lithuania- Feb 2018 - Basics of Android studio and Java script

C2 - Hungary - May 2018 - 12 steps in creating and releasing a mobile app

C3 - Italy - Oct 2018 - Mobile apps for school purposes

C4 - Macedonia - Mar 2019 - Mobile apps on the topic of "Being European"

M1 - Oct 2017 (Hungary) - Planning the project

M2 - May 2019 (Turkey) - Evaluating the project


The project involves 5 main stages: initiation (identification of needs and partners), planning (action plan, methodologies, resources),

implementation (organisation of activities before, during and after the transnational events), evaluation (throughout the entire




The meeting is scheduled for Mar 2019. It will be attended by 23 students and teachers from the partner countries.

Macedonian will also participate with students (5-6) and teachers (2 IT teachers, 2 English teachers). Teachers of other subjects from the Macedonian project team will work to make all the necessary arrangements for the organisation of the event.

The meeting will be structured as follows:

Day 1 - welcoming of participants

- school tour to get acquainted with the premises

- cultural events

Day 2 - presentations of countries/schools/regions

- attending IT lessons

- presentation of materials designed in C1-C2 by students

Day 3 - Workshop - creating apps - Mobile app for learning about the European Union, with the knowledge acquired during the C1-C2 events and the practice in C3. Students are divided in multicultural teams and assigned the same topic "Being European"- they work together to create a project which is within the topic assigned. The students first discuss and plan the type of app they want to develop, sketch the project idea etc.

- students present their work at the end of the day

Day 4 - Workshop - creating apps. Students continue their work from the previous day and try to finish their app/game/quiz app.

- an open q&a session is held to let students clarify some aspects

Day 5 - students present their apps at the end

- assessment is provided by the IT teachers at this stage

- Europass mobility docs are completed

- feedback forms are distributed to participants and completed

- certificates of attendance are presented

- final questionnaires are applied

italia 11/17 n0vembre 2018

The meeting is scheduled for Oct 2018. It will be attended by 25 students and teachers from the partner countries.

Italy will also participate with students (5-6) and teachers (2 IT teachers, 2 English teachers). Teachers of other subjects from  the Italian project team will work to make all the necessary arrangements for the organisation of the event.

The meeting will be structured as follows:

Day 1 - welcoming of participants

- school tour to get acquainted with the premises

- cultural events

Day 2 - presentations of countries/schools/regions

- attending IT lessons

- presentation of materials designed in C1-C2 by students

Day 3 - Workshop - creating apps for school purposes, using the knowledge acquired during the C1-C2 events. Students are divided in multicultural teams and assigned a topic - they work together from the sketching of the project idea to the prototype testing

- students present their work at the end of the day

Day 4 - Workshop - creating apps for school purposes. Students continue their work from the previous day and go through steps 7 to 12, from building the back end of the mobile app to releasing it.

- an open q&a session is held to let students clarify some aspects

Day 5 - students present their apps at the end

- assessment is provided by the IT teachers at this stage

- Europass mobility docs are completed

- feedback forms are distributed to participants and completed

- certificates of attendance are presented

- final questionnaires are applied

ungheria 9/16 sett. 2018

The meeting will be attended by 26 students and teachers from the partner countries.

Hungary will also participate with students (5-6) and teachers (2 IT teachers, 2 English teachers). Teachers of other subjects from  the HU project team will work to make all the necessary arrangements for the organisation of the event.

The meeting will be structured as follows:

Day 1 - welcoming of participants

- school tour to get acquainted with the premises

- cultural events

Day 2 - presentations of countries/schools/regions

- attending IT lessons

- presentation of ITprojects of students

Day 3 - Lecture on the 12 steps to creating and releasing a mobile app (Part I)

Step 1 - Defining the goal

Step 2 - Sketching

Step 3 - Doing research

Step 4 - Creating a wireframe and a storyboard

Step 5 - Defining the back end of the app

Step 6 - Testing the prototype

- feedback forms and evaluation sheets are distributed to students

- an open q&a session is held to let students clarify some aspects

Day 4 - Lecture on the 12 steps to creating and releasing a mobile app (Part II)

Step 7 - Building the back end of the mobile app

Step 8 - Designing the app skins

Step 9 - Testing again

Step 10 - Revising

Step 11 - Refining each detail

Step 12 - Releasing the app

- feedback forms and evaluation sheets are distributed to students

- an open q&a session is held to let students clarify some aspects

Day 5 - the students' projects are assessed and feedback is provided to them by the trainer. 

- Europass mobility docs are completed

- feedback forms are distributed to participants and completed.

- certificates of attendance are presented; 

- final questionnaires are applied


4/10 Marzo 18 

- presentation of Android studio

- features and explanation of key terms

- project structure

- starting a project in the IDE

Day 4 - Workshop on Android studio basics

- students are divided in multicultural teams and collaborate to start a common project on a

topic assigned by the workshop trainer. They receive guidance along the way and teachers of

IT will also observe them and help them

Day 5 - the students' projects are assessed and feedback is provided to them by the trainer.

- Europass mobility docs are completed

- feedback forms are distributed to participants and completed.

- certificates of attendance are presented;


- final questionnaires are applied

Effective use of mobile in education 

Uno dei nostri 13 progetti ERASMUS+ Con mobilitá GRATUITE VERSO LE nazioni EUROPEE che permette al nostro Istituto di volare verso l’internazionalizzazione dei Docenti e degli alunni.
Il progetto si sta effettuando in Lituania ed i 
Docenti GARAO Maria Vittoria e ARMANNA Angela insieme agli alunni GAIA LIPANI, DI MARCO EGLE,ROMANO EVELYN, TROMBETTA FRANCESCO E CAMILLERI GAETANO si stanno formando sull ‘uso delle Apps e sulle creazioni delle stesse 
La preparazione é iniziata nella nostra scuola e gli alunni sono stati seguiti con dedizione dal. Prof TRIOLO ROSARIO e
MARINO EMANUELE ed hanno imparato a CREARE APP 
I lavori degli alunni saranno presentati al seminario internazionale in LITUANIA


kick off in Ungheria 

12/16 Dicembre 2017